9-10 AUGUST 2022
Key Researcher Sydney Environment Institute,
University of Sydney
Associate Professor Alana Mann is Chair of the Department of Media and Communications and a key researcher in the Sydney Environment Institute in the University of Sydney, Australia. Seeking to better understand the communicative dimensions of citizen engagement, participation, and collective action in food systems planning and governance, her research spans international and Australia-wide campaigns for food sovereignty, food security, and territorial struggles against extractive globalisation. Associate Professor Mann is Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council (ARC) funded project FoodLab Sydney in partnership with the City of Sydney and TAFE NSW. She is the author of Voice and Participation in Global Food Politics (2019) and Global Activism in Food Politics: Power Shift (2014). Her new book, Food in a Changing Climate, which tackles the intersection of discourses regarding diets, sustainability and food justice, will be released in January 2021.